Familie Sibylle Rosshardt

It was just such a wonderful time for all of us with you in Amezru and in the Sahara. Even after 3 months we still have fond memories of it, I would say we all carry the experience with us in our hearts.

Of course, our two guides Basis and Hussein made a big contribution to this. The two of them accompanied us very attentively and warmly, spoiled us, involved us and did an incredible job with our girls. Stella and Luna were able to help with collecting and feeding/watering the dromedaries, with cooking, we played, sang and laughed together. It was a bit like being part of a family. And we’ve already planned our next trip together 😉 Yes, we’d love to come back, not just this year but certainly soon. And then do a slightly longer tour (Stella said she would like to stay there for a month :))) and Hamid has already chosen the dromedary for Luna (the young Mimun).

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